Teaching from the Textbooks: An Archaeology of the Current Historical Moment

On the last day of class, my advanced theory students would break up into small groups and each have the option of choosing one such old anthropology textbook from the box of them that I had selected from the shelf. They would then spend the next 15 to 20 minutes exploring the book (looking at the table of contents, skimming chapters, reading the introduction, etc.) in order to answer three basic questions...Truthfully, I have never had quite so much fun, nor gotten so much out of, teaching from a textbook.

Victorian Pseudoscience on a Netflix Budget: “Ancient Apocalypse” and the Paradox of Science Communication Online

As scholars and investigators of conspiracy theory communities have noted, people who cling to these ideas long after they have been demonstrated to be factually false tend to do so for two reasons. One, because the conspiracy theory links them to a community of supportive, like-minded “others” among whom they feel a deep sense of belonging. And two, because it allows them to maintain an identity as the kind of person who knows and understands how the world “really works”.

Ep. #30 Bringing your heart home: Tiffany Cain talks Tihosuco identity and heritage projects

"Especially when you’re dealing with questions of representation of the past, politics around the past, especially when you’re dealing with not just the past, but a violent past, right, it’s ethically irresponsible to not recognise your own position in that conversation, in that space. And that doesn’t mean that you necessarily take sides, but I … Continue reading Ep. #30 Bringing your heart home: Tiffany Cain talks Tihosuco identity and heritage projects

TFS in Bahasa Indonesia: Arkeologi Praktis di Kalimantan

“Penelitian arkeologi bukan penelitian tunggal. Penelitian arkeologi harus ditunjang oleh penelitian disiplin ilmu yang terkait seperti antropologi, bahasa, seni, geografi, biologi, geologi, dan sebagainya agar hasil penelitiannya komprehensif dan bermanfaat untuk memahami khazanah perkembangan sejarah kebudayaan dan kehidupan manusia, mendorong cinta akan warisan budaya, serta memahami hubungan erat antara manusia dan alam dalam upaya preservasi alam dan warisan budaya.” – Vida Kusmartono Podcast kali … Continue reading TFS in Bahasa Indonesia: Arkeologi Praktis di Kalimantan