Ep. #48 The Nature of Anthropology: Andrew Kipnis on China, Funerals, Ethnographic Socialising & Academic Speech

"I think you’d be crazy to go into something like anthropology if you want to learn how to say whatever other people tell you to say - you know, maybe you should become a lawyer!" This week we bring you a special treat - an interview between our good friend Zoe Hatten and her PhD … Continue reading Ep. #48 The Nature of Anthropology: Andrew Kipnis on China, Funerals, Ethnographic Socialising & Academic Speech

Ep. #25: Zombie nouns, meaningful objects, biopolitics in politics, and value trials: This month on TFS

This month Julia (0:59), starts us off with a discussion about zombie nouns – non-nouns that have been turned into nouns – such as sociality, relationality, neoliberalisation, and so on. Referring to Alex Di Giorgio’s blog post about academic jargon, Julia asks us the ultimate question: why can’t social scientists communicate using simpler words? She … Continue reading Ep. #25: Zombie nouns, meaningful objects, biopolitics in politics, and value trials: This month on TFS